A downloadable game

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Shining in the black since 2158 is
a place of glamor and tranqulity,

Kozos-Lingate’s Siduri Orbital

Hotel. A mid-century modern space

station and the life of the

interstellar daydream.

Of course, it isn’t 2158 anymore, and
now the hotel drifts, surrounded by

dead spacecraft and hungrily waiting

to entertain new guests.


A haunted hotel salvage scenario for the Mothership TTRPG inspired by The Shining, Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino, and Midnight (Doctor Who). You arrive to salvage scrap from the dead spacecraft which encircle the hotel like ants in a honey pot. As the station awakens, you search its dusty ballrooms and incandescent hallways, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that you've been here before...

Retcon is a one-shot pamphlet module designed for the first edition of the Mothership Scifi Horror RPG.

Includes both a colour and printer friendly black and white PDF.

Available in print at Tuesday Knight Games!

Written by: Aaron Williams

Playtested by: Clockyscrolls

Artwork by: https://roque-romero.itch.io/


Buy Now$2.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2 USD. You will get access to the following files:

MoSH RETCON Pamphlet 1.1.pdf 1.4 MB
PrintFriendly MoSH RETCON Pamphlet 1.1.pdf 1.4 MB

Development log


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(1 edit) (+1)

Oh man, this is fun. The Shining in space! Very sandbox-y. The Station Ambiance table is awesome as the station starts coming back to life around the players, and the "Fade Out" mechanic is a very visceral way to show PCs succumbing to the hauntings.

Thanks Mcfin. The concept changed a lot in playtesting but overall I'm proud of the atmosphere! Would love to read your After Action Report if you ever run it for a group.